Self Care

Why I Decided to Love My Body Today & Not Wait Until Tomorrow

For some reason when the weather gets warmer, the sun is shining down, it’s that time to switch the sweater in the closet for tanks, linens, shorts AND bathing suits… the confidence of a woman is at an all time low.

Now I speak from experience. I HATE this time of year. The chub-rub, heat sweats, and the feeling that my body is not good enough for shorts, tanks or swimsuits.

I know I am not alone. I hear women complain about this on a daily basis. I hear the phrase “working on my summer bod.” As if their current body is not good enough for a the new season.

Well I am here to tell you that your body is good enough for ANY season!

But the real question is why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we compare, loathe, and get jealous of other women’s confidence in their own skin? This kind of life is exhausting and that’s when I decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Throughout my whole life I thought I was too chubby. Constantly resorting to fat jokes, so no one else could make fun of me. I thought that if I pointed out my “obvious flaws, ” I would just be taking their thoughts off the table and everyone (specifically me) could feel more comfortable. But time and time again… joke after joke… I became a person with absolutely no confidence. I definitely faked it, and I faked it so good that I know some people reading this will be in shock that I ever had body image problems. But the truth is I did and I still do.

I noticed that my first thought looking back at any picture in time is “I thought I was fat then.” I can remember how insecure I felt in some pictures with old friends because I was comparing myself to them and now it makes me cringe to think about how much I didn’t like my body. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to LOVE MYSELF MORE! The truth is you will never be as young as your are today, with the same exact body, and people surrounding you and so you should enjoy every moment!

Recently, at 25, I am not sure what clicked in my head but I decided that I would focus on being genuinely happy. I refuse to compare myself to anyone else and I will help other women shine and be comfortable in their own skin as well.

Letting go of this pain, has released so much stress off my shoulders. Instead of having anxiety when I’m in a bathing suit and thinking about what other people think, I am enjoying life. Literally living my best life!

I have to admit, that this new mind set did not spring over night. I made many internal changes and some external changes as well.

I made the choice to not criticize myself in my head or aloud to others. I still struggle with this today. My go-to when I feel comfortable is a self deprecating fat girl joke. But surround yourself with people that will make you stop! My sister Alondra and good friend Samm stop me right in my tracks when I start to say something negative about myself. At first it was annoying, but the more they did it, the more I realized how often I put myself down. If the people you surround yourself with do not do this… change your surroundings. You can only grow if you have support from the people around you.

I also chose to stop talking about my weight and dieting with basically everyone unless its in a positive, health minded environment (like my accountability group.) I noticed that when you stop talking about your weight and making it a conversation, no one else can talk about it to you either. The truth is we become obsessive with dieting, and hoping and praying the weight comes off. We talk about it to family and close friends.. then all of a sudden your weight became everyone’s business and everyone is talking about it. So to put it simply… keep your weight, goals, lifestyle changes, etc to YOURSELF!

I really believe these changes made me the happier person I am today. Speak your confidence into existence everyday.

I am proud of the changes I’ve made and that I can share this my journey with you on Modern Vanity Style!

Thank you for the support and love!

XO, Desiree

My black bathing suits are from TJ Maxx. Click the photos to shop their affordable one pieces!


Some of my other favorite one pieces!

Share your comments with me below. Also let me know if you’d like to join my accountability group on Facebook!

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