Beauty,  Collaboration,  Self Care

How I Stay Fresh & Confident All Day

This post is sponsored by Summer’s Eve®, but all opinions and/or content is my own.

Springtime is here! The change of weather is synonymous with spring cleaning, starting the warmer months out with good habits, maybe even a new lighter hair-do, overall setting yourself up for a fresh beginning. Setting up these new habits should also coincide with your feminine hygiene routine.IMG_9247.jpg

I can even attest that I have hurried down the feminine hygiene aisle, not wanting anyone to see me… and then when someone turns down the same aisle, I’ll turn around pretending to look at the vitamins. There is this misconception that using feminine hygiene washes means that something must be wrong down below.



Why have I become embarrassed to discuss the very body part that makes me FEMALE?

Why have I flinched when people mention female periods like it’s gross and unnatural?


It makes absolutely no sense for me to feel this way and I know I’m not the only one. That’s why when Summer’s Eve® reached out to me to review their products and to educate my readers about maintaining freshness all day, I was TOTALLY for it! Summer’s Eve® is pushing to change the way we talk about our {coochie, chi-chi, cooter, poochie, kitty, mimi} or in simpler terms… VAGINA. There I said it.

My Favorite Summer’s Eve® Products

These Summer’s Eve® products are gynecologist tested, keep you ph balances and can be used throughout the day to ensure freshness.

The one product I cannot live without are the FreshCycle™ Cleansing Cloths.

Here are 3 reasons:

  1. They reduce period odor. This is great for me because I have a heavy flow {TMI- but we are all amigas here right?!] and it gives me confidence when I feel clean and fresh.
  2. You can buy them individually wrapped and keep them in your purse. I always have at least 3 with me.
  3. The FreshCycle™ are flushable! You can drop that sucker right down the toilet! (*make sure to read the flushability disclaimer on the packet)




The other product I keep in my bathroom is the FreshCycle™ No-rinse Cleansing Foam. You put the foam on toilet paper and clean yo-self. I like having this option because you only need one or two pumps of foam and you’re all set. It’s quick, easy and then you’re on your way making boss babe moves.



What are you favorite Summer’s Eve® products?

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