Beauty,  Collaboration,  Self Care

My Experience with Vampire Facial!

One day at 22, I noticed my skin starting to break out more than normal. I am not sure what caused it but suddenly I was suffering from HORRIBLE cystic acne.  Most of the cystic pimples were on my cheeks and chin. They left behind deep, noticeable scars and dark pigmentation that remind me every day how bad my skin once was.

I became hopeless and thought that with time, hopefully, they would fade. But when I went to Apex Medical Skin and Aesthetics, I was overjoyed to find out that microneedling could help improve the appearance of deep scars, and coupled with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), I would even have the possibility of having soft, glowy skin I never thought was possible. It is important to note that it does take SEVERAL sessions of microneedling to make a big difference in your skin. However, I will be sharing before and after photos of just one session so you can see the improvement. My skin is still far from perfect, but this has made a big difference in the texture and overall feeling of my skin from just one session.

Before I get into everything, let’s talk about what microneedling is…

Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment that involves puncturing the skin with fine needles to promote collagen production. Microneedling is not just exclusive to the face. The procedure can be performed on all areas of the face, neck, décolletage, and hands. It is done with an electric pen. The area being treated is completely numbed, and you don’t feel a thing! So basically the needles are creating micro-injuries to your skin to allow new skin to grow.

The difference between Microneedling and Microneedling with PRP…

The main difference is that studies have shown that microneedling with your own PRP will improve the overall results. The rich growth factors and healing properties within the PRP stimulates greater collagen formation and boosts the skin’s natural healing process. During your treatment, the technician will draw a good portion of blood and separate the PRP to use it during the microneedling treatment. After the treatment, they will give you PRP to take home for the next few days to apply every 2 hours until it runs out. The PRP is a gold color and makes your skin feel very tight when it’s applied.

Click here to read more information about microneedling from the Apex Medical Skin and Aesthetic website.

Take home PRP to administer on the skin every 2 hours

My Experience…

I showed up to the appointment without makeup. For this reason, I made my appointment in the evening. I arrived 45 minutes early because I had to sit with the numbing cream for a while to ensure there is no pain during the microneedling. They also took my blood (I am a baby about needles so I was most nervous about his part haha didn’t hurt at all btw) and separated the PRP for the treatment.

During microneedling session

The treatment itself didn’t hurt. I was completely numb and could not feel my face. The technician will work their way around your face, adding PRP and then microneedling it into your skin. I will admit the machine is pretty loud, but after a while, you just kinda drift off and get used to it. Once the treatment is complete, you can finally see why they call this the “Vampire Facial.” Your face looks straight out of a horror movie, covered in blood. I would also recommend having someone drive you from your appointment. I was a little lightheaded from getting my blood drawn and the whole process.

After the treatment, you can wash your face after 4 hours. I would recommend holding your breath/ breathing out of your mouth because there is a strong blood/iron odor. My skin was very sensitive, so it stung while I washed off the red “mask”. But this is normal! After all the red was off, very swollen sensitive skin was revealed underneath. I added the PRP and after it dried it felt like a very tight face mask. As instructed I put the PRP on every two hours. I began to peel the day after treatment.

Here are my before, during and after photos!

After Treatment
Day 1: After washing (no peeling yet), pretty swollen
Day 2- Starting to peel
Day 3- Right after washing my face (MORE peeling)


My before and after photo (1 week after treatment)


I am really happy with my results! I would definitely get microneedling again and honestly, I think I need to. My skin journey still has a long way to go but overall just one session of microneedling with PRP made such a big difference. I have noticed my skin is smoother, softer and my scars are less noticeable. I can’t wait to get it again!

If you have any questions, fill out the form below!

If you’re in the RDU, North Carolina area then be sure to check out Apex Medical and Skin Aesthetics.

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