• 10 Ways to Create a Happier You in 2019

    1. Set aside time every week for special ‘ME’ time. Whether it be an hour to read a book, having a bubble bath or watching your favorite movie. That special time alone will reset your clock and allow for mental clarity. 2. Go to sleep when you feel tired. Do not try to fight rest because it will back up and have a longer negative impact on your productivity. You may get sleepy at 7:30 one night and going to bed that early is what your body needs. This will help stabilize your mood and increase your daily productivity. 3. At the end of each night journal 3 things you’re…

  • 25 Things To Do When Your 25

    Cheers to making 25 the best year ever! Here’s how you can do just that… 1. Clean out your closet and start fresh 2. Create a new “adult” wardrobe 3. Buy yourself something luxurious 4. Design a special “me time” place in your home 5. Embrace your body type and love every inch of it 6. Get rid of negative vibes in your life 7. Grow closer to your family and important friends 8. Send some snail mail to the people you love 9. Learn to cook your favorite restaurant meal My quick go-to app spread for a dinner party 10. Plan a special dinner party for the important people…