Self Care

25 Things To Do When Your 25

Cheers to making 25 the best year ever!

Here’s how you can do just that…

1. Clean out your closet and start fresh

2. Create a new “adult” wardrobe

3. Buy yourself something luxurious

4. Design a special “me time” place in your home

5. Embrace your body type and love every inch of it

6. Get rid of negative vibes in your life

7. Grow closer to your family and important friends

8. Send some snail mail to the people you love

9. Learn to cook your favorite restaurant meal

My quick go-to app spread for a dinner party

10. Plan a special dinner party for the important people in your life

11. Build something… anything… even if it’s ikea furniture

12. Successfully keep a plant alive

13. Start an artistic hobby

14. Do one thing out of your comfort zone

15. Go back to a place that was important in your childhood

16. Get your fav takeout from a restaurant but go eat it in the park

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17. Visit a new continent

18. Rent a fun car and go on a road trip

19. Make moves towards your dream job

20. Find a form of exercise that you love

21. Experiment with a new hairdo

22. Follow a skincare routine religiously

23. Add a new pet to your life

24. Volunteer somewhere special to your heart

25. Write a letter to yourself and open it in 10 years… 35 (OMG)!

What are some of your goals and aspirations? Leave a comment below!

Can’t wait to chat


I love fashion, food and travel! Come along my journey!